Thursday, 29 October 2015

Edworthy Park Druid Walk

Douglas Fir Trail hike  It was a pretty chilly morning, with fog on the river even at 10:30 am.  We met on the bridge by Angels Cappuccino Bar and greeted a some new walkers.  Everyone warmed up quickly with the brisk walk across the bridge and then up the hill.  The steep hill!  

Bow River in the fog
We took the Douglas Fir Trail up the steep river bank.  It is such an unique place, with Douglas Firs, moss and lots and lots of shade.

Douglas Fir Trail
The trail is easy to follow, with wooden steps and railings and bridges where needed.  There are benches along the way and a beautiful view down to the river.  I can't wait to come here  again in the heat of summer just to cool off!

Up the slope...
Beautiful colours and fallen leaves decorated both sides of the trail.  There were some muddy spots and at the end, even some icy patches. I am not sure I am ready for ice, but there it was.

Moss and Massive Roots
There are natural springs along the bank, with running water trickling down in little streams with waterfalls too!

Natural Springs
You don't often see moss in Calgary, but here, under the Douglas Firs, there is lots!  It is easy to feel the magic here.

Old Stone
Even though it feels like you are in a deep forest far from the city, it only takes a moment to look out over the river and see that the buildings and traffic are all still close by, although the fog helped to soften the look!

We met other hikers and dogs on the trail, but no coyotes and no bikers.  The trail was not completely open, The eastern end was blocked off, presumably for repairs.

Coyotes and Bikes
The last part of our walk was on level ground, along the railway and the Bow River.  It was nice to see these bright red Mountain Ash (Rowan) berries.

Mountain Ash Berries
We ended our Druid Walk with a stop at the cafe for Teas and Coffees, and treats. (Even ice cream).  As usual, the  discussion  turns to where next?   Indeed, where next?   Info for the next Druid Walk will be posted soon.
Bow River

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