Monday 23 November 2015

Druid walk - Burnsmead and Bankside of Fish Creek Provincial Park

November 22 was a wonderfully sunny and warm day, just perfect for our Druid Walk in Fish Creek Park.  Of course, Fish Creek Park is so big (13.48 square km and 19 km long)  that it will take many many Druid Walks to see it all.  

Our group met and started walking on the paved trail to the east, towards Bankside.  You can see the houses on the other side of the Bow River, up on the bank from this spot.

On the map below you can see we started at Burnsmead (on the right hand side of the map)  and walked for about an hour - most of the way to Mallard Point, before turning around

It was good to see other people taking advantage of the warm day.   We stopped for a long look at the river, enjoying the waters edge.  The river is low at this time of year, but not frozen over.   We saw some fishermen too.

The little bit of snow we had earlier in the week was soft and melting.  It was more like spring than autumn.

The soft snow revealed many tracks.   I believe this is a Canada Goose print.  I think it looks like an upside down Awen symbol.

The magical space along the shore,  between the the land the river was even more special  with a small layer of ice between the water and the sky.   It was strange however to see little insects flitting about there.

There was plenty of long golden grass to walk through,  and as we approached a hill we were graced with a special appearance of a big buck, bouncing towards us through the grass.  He was beautiful, holding his antlered head proudly, as he looked around, before crossing the river to Poplar Island.  It is always  special  to see Cernunnos!

On our way back to the parking lot, we cut through the BirthPlace Forest to say hello to our special spot, the little stone circle and the three oak trees.

After the walk we stopped at Cornerstone Music Cafe for lunch and great conversation.
Another wonderful Druid Walk!

Monday 16 November 2015

Burnsmead Park Druid Walk November 22, 2015, 10:30am

It is time for the next Calgary Druid Walk, and it might be a little bit chilly,  but not too bad.


We will meet in the parking lot in the Burnsmead section of Fish Creek Park, just off of Bow Bottom Trail, at 10:30am, November 22. To get there, follow Bow Bottom Trail south past Deer Run. Turn left directly after the last houses.   A blue sign indicates Burnsmead and the Water Treatment Plant.

We will meet in the parking lot on the right, just through the park gate.
There is also Calgary Birthplace (2008)  forest here for us to walk through, and a lovely little stone circle with three oak trees, and then onto the pathways by the river.

After our walk we will stop for our moot coffee/lunch at Starbucks, 1221 Canyon Meadows Drive SE.

Remember to dress for the weather!

Saturday 7 November 2015

Today on Nose Hill

I was just driving past, going home actually, but the sky was so beautiful I had to stop and take a picture. Then I had to go for a little walk.   

Who wants to go for a picnic? 

I was in the little grove and tried the panoramic setting on my phone. I hope this works:

Everyone needs a little nature break. Have you had yours today?