Saturday, 16 April 2016

Votiers Flats Druid Walk

As usual out Druid walks take us to surprisingly accessible hidden nature gems.

This time we were at Votiers Flats, in Fish Creek Park, which is surprisingly right at the southern end of the #3 bus route! While we were assembling in the parking lot, the buses made regular appearances.  It is as easy as getting off the bus and walking for 5 minutes to find yourself surrounded with trees and beside a busy creek. 

Some of the pathways are paved, but we chose to follow this path until we wandered onto a tiny little trail to the creek. 

Even though it was too early for green leaves, but you could sense they would soon appear. The evergreen trees stood out tall and proud from behind the rest.

One spot that drew our attention had several little stone monuments, letting us know others too had spent some time in this magical place.

There were lots of Canada Geese, some in couples and some seemingly determined to interfere with those couples!  We were entertained by much honking and splashing about.

Here are pictures of the two Stone People we made and left behind; a little magical contribution to the park. 

After our walk, we stopped for a coffee and a chance to continue the conversation.  Sometimes it is hard to stop.

This marks 12 Druid Walks, a full year of finding the natural places within our city!

/|\  Feather


  1. Beautiful photos. Your blog background is lovely! Thanks so much for sharing and warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  2. Thank you Linda. I am so glad you enjoy our posts! Spring Blessings to you!
