Saturday, 28 January 2017

2016 Year in Review

While the world reeled from the tragedies of 2016, Chinook Hills Grove persistently moved forward in the presence and power of the land, under our wide arching sky. We celebrated, grew and lived in each moment of the year.

At least six members were present at each of the eight festivals, with our largest gathering of sixteen at Alban Arthan, including three children. Our rituals were held in homes, yards, public parks and a retreat centre west of Calgary.

Though the celebration of the turning wheel is central to our Grove activities, it isn't the only activity in which our members participate. Highlights of 2016 include:

  • A new member was Grove initiated into the Bardic grade and into the Order
  • One completed the Bardic grade and was Grove initiated into the Ovate grade
  • One completed the Druid grade and thus all three levels of the OBOD training programme
  • Another participated in the Funeral and Life Celebrancy courses offered by OBOD
  • Two members travelled to Ireland for the annual OBOD retreat
  • Four members camped and enjoyed the South Country Fair 
  • One facilitates circle dances, Full and New Moon rituals 
  • An OBOD member from the UK joined us for ceremony at Beltane
  • Table at Pagan Pride, with one member on the committee
  • Mailbox setup at CommunityWise

Additionally, our community has grown throughout the year. Our total membership is now at 27, with ten also being members of the Order.

Our monthly Druid Walks, first begun in 2015, let's us experience the beauty and peace of nature even inside the city. We continued this practice throughout 2016 with only December's walk being cancelled due to extremely cold conditions. Calgary has over 10,000 hectares of urban park area, which means we will be exploring new locations for months to come! A full list of the 2017 walks are here. Please email us if you're interested in attending.

And now Imbolc approaches with the first stirrings of spring. May 2017 bring joy, fruitfulness and success for all who breathe light and life into Chinook Hills Grove. /|\

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