Monday, 22 May 2017

Some Pictures from the Nose Hill Druid Walk April 23.

We started our walk at the North East edge of Nose Hill Park,  on a wet but not rainy morning.
As you can see, I took lots of pictures as we walked up and down the hills.

It always feels right to start a walk through an open gateway like this one.

The crocuses were starting to bloom, but they looked like they were really waiting for some warm sunshine to coax them open.

Not very many leaves were out yet, but you could see the buds just about ready to burst open.  Come on sunshine!

There was lots of moss and lichen to see.

 We were not alone, and came across a few deer.   White tail or Mule deer maybe.

These are little wee pussy willows.

The sun started to come out near the end of our walk.

All in all it was a wonderful morning walk in the fresh air, and sunshine (at the end)   We followed up with a nice lunch in a nearby pub... and of course, sharing stories.

Our Druid Walks are a great way to keep in touch with friends between the 8 Ceremonies, and meet new people interested in the Druidic Path.

With many blessings,

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