Saturday, 22 October 2016

October 23 Druid Walk

We will meet at Confluence Park at 10:30 am  for a walk through the 2007 BirthPlace Forest, and along Nose Creek.

Park in the lot at 300 Beddington Trail NE    This is at the intersection of Beddington Blvd and Beddington Trail NE.

Confluence Park

Of course, dress for the weather!



Monday, 17 October 2016

Autumn Beginnings

Autumn is such a curious time of year. We celebrate the harvesting of our year's hard work, and the dying of the year that has been. Yet it is also the time of new beginnings - here in Canada our school year begins in September.

The new must come from the ashes of the old, just as we harvest the seeds for next year's crop from the fruits of this year's labour.

In terms of esoteric work, it is a good time for Initiation. A moment that begins a new journey which takes us deep into the still, quiet winter of our Selves.

And so, on a beautiful autumn prairie weekend, the Grove was blessed to initiate a new member into the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. Welcome Eilantha! May your journey be blessed /|\